hockey player training

make this is the season you explode your game

It's time take your game to the next level & go all-in on your training. It's time to get relentless.

Development isn't just for the off-season. The players who commit to strength & conditioning in-season double their opportunity for development - while also maximize their performance.

If you know you have more potential in your game, then make this the season you commit to developing the strength, speed, power, and athleticism that transform your performance on the ice.

Sign Up & start training today

how are training to take your game to the next level this season?

Tommy's previous season had been pretty good

In his second season of junior hockey he had put up 45 points and made his mark as a reliable producer for his team. 

He was heading into this season expecting it to be his breakout year. 

His off-season was more focused than ever. He worked with a power skating coach, increased all his lifts in the gym, added muscle, and shot hundreds of pucks daily. 

But his season had started off slow.  

The truth is, he had started out just okay – but his team had loaded up with new talent to make a run at a championship and it had left him looking average. 

Surrounded by talented players, he had been pushed down the depth chart & was getting less ice time, while almost never touching the power play. 

He was frustrated and knew he had the potential for more. 

That’s when he reached out to us. 

At first it was just for a new voice. He had been reading some of Coach Kyle’s articles and wanted to connect to see what he could change. 

Fortunately, we had a prior relationship with his Coach, so we reached out for feedback. 

“He’s a solid player. He’s continuing to develop – he’s still too raw to be a big impact player. Good size, good hands, but he’s a half step behind instead of leading a play or forcing players to play to his speed. 

We had a great conversation with Tommy about this feedback, and that’s when he asked – “what can I be doing right now?”

This was refreshing. So many junior players don’t even discuss strength & conditioning in-season. They consider development only for the off-season, and therefore miss out on literally 50% of their development opportunity. 

Tommy wanted to get to work now. It was the pro mentality - get better year-round with every opportunity you can. 

So after looking at his summer workout log, we realized he didn’t have to get weight room strong – he had to change his training so that it translated to the ice. 

His game was missing that fast twitch explosive power and functional strength that would let him truly dominate shifts.  

So we set out to create a strength & conditioning that he could be doing now. Merging training that would optimize his body for performance on game day while also developing that attributes that would take his game to the next level. 

  • We swapped the heavy old school lifts for exercises that strengthened his kinetic chains and developed the strength that actually translates to lacrosse. 
  • We added athleticism work (plyos, agility, change of direction, and more) to refine biomechanics and have him moving more efficiently & effectively on the ice. 
  • We structured the workout with modalities like french contrast training and triphasic training to rapidly develop explosive power without leaving him run down from high volume or over-strain.  
  • We utilized functional mobility to not only increase range of motion (and let him play lower on the ice) but also control range of motion effectively. 

We started training to thrive on the ice. 

Each week he started to notice little changes – his shot started to have more pop and felt smoother, his cuts felt more aggressive, he had more fast twitch in his first steps. 

Slowly he started to make more opportunities on the ice. Whether it was burning a defender with a cut back down low or driving the puck to the net off the rush – points started rolling in. He was confident in making plays, instead of looking to dish off under pressure. 

Soon he got bumped to second line center and PP2.

It had only been a few months, but he felt his entire game shifted.  

Come play-off time, he was buzzing. 

He looked stronger, faster, and more dynamic than training camp. 

He finished the season with over 1.5 points per game. And his playoff performance was equally impressive – earning the attention of dozens of D1 scouts, and eventually offers. 

He had gone from being relegated to a “role player” to a breakout star – earning a division 1 scholarship for his work.

We took “Tommy’s Program” and continued to evolve it with more players – all who had more banner years, from European pros to OHL players to varsity/prep school players. 

The Relentless In-Season Program was born.

Today, it’s been used by hundreds of players at all levels. While we continue to refine and evolve the program each season, players continue to evolve their game to the next level. 

If you know you’re capable of playing at a higher level, it’s time to get serious with your development and performance. It’s time to start training relentless. 

explosive power hockey training & workout program

the relentless

The ultimate training system for hockey players to maximize their performance & development.

The Relentless In-Season Program is specifically designed to deliver the exact strength & conditioning that hockey players need to fuel their development and maximize their potential, while optimize their body for peak performance this season.

This proven 6 phase training system has been used by hundreds of players at all levels to develop the physical attributes that truly translate to the field & taking their game to the next level.

build a body built for hockey.

Start making your workouts count. Start training exact attributes that translate to the ice.

At Relentless, we build off-ice workouts for on-ice performance. Delivering the exact Strength & Conditioning hockey players need to start moving, performing, and playing better where it counts. We deliver the training that translates.


Create a mobile body with exercises that address structural imbalances & restrictions so that you feel & move better.


Develop truly elite  strength, with an intense focus on creating the functional strength that translates to the ice.


Unlock the power that translates to explosive first steps, breakaway strides, to become more dynamic on ice.


Enhance the athleticism to dominate games with plyo, agility, and footwork drills all designed for next level speed.

hockey workout program on phone

the exact WOrkouts hockey players need.

The exact workout structure that elite hockey players are using to build their body.

No more fluff, randomness, or bodybuilding style workouts. This is training 2.0 - with full-body and integrative workouts designed to challenge every facet of your body with each workout including:

Pre-Hab & Functional Mobility
Speed & Athleticism
Integrative Strength & Power
Conditioning, Core, & Mobility

the complete hockey season training system

Random training generates random results. We've created the complete structure to maximize your hockey performance this season.

The Relentless In-Season Program is the 24 week program has been expertly designed with the demands of a hockey season to ensure that your not only continuously developing, but also maintaining and enhancing your performance through the demands of an intensive hockey season.

Have confidence that each workout you're developing & optimizing your body to thrive come game-time.

early season

phase 1

Adapt to demands. The hockey season is in full-force. We want to adapt to increasing work load with mobility & funcitonal movements.

early season

phase 2

Building fire power. It's time to get back to developing functional strength & power that translates to the ice.


phase 3

Development & maintenance. Applied strength & power. We're moving better & utilizing kinetic chains more efficiently.


phase 4

Maintenance & performance. The second half comes with more strain - but we're prepared for it. Our body is going to be primed & still at full force.

peak season

phase 5

Maximize & perform. The demands & stakes are higher. But our body is built for it. We're maintaining mobility, strength, and power.

peak season

phase 6

Performance when it counts. We've optimized our body for this time of year & continue to thrive with playoff demands.

coach kyle hockey training

meet your strength coach

The Relentless In-Season program was created by Coach Kyle, Strength Coach & founder of Relentless Hockey. 

Kyle has become one of the go-to authorities on hockey training and performance optimization for hockey players.

Combining his education, playing experience, experience as a skills coach, and thousands of hours working with hockey players in the gym, Kyle has refined Relentless programs to be the ultimate training for on-ice performance. Since starting Relentless Hockey, Kyle and the team have worked with players in nearly every professional hockey league in the world from the NHL and KHL to across Europe – along with thousands of players from across the world. 

Coach Kyle continues to improve and refine all of the Relentless Hockey programs while supporting players to maximize their training and start thriving on the ice. 

the ultimate In-season workout program for hockey players. 

Make this the season you take your game to the next level. Make this the season you get relentless. Success in hockey doesn't happen by accident or luck. It starts with relentless work combined with a commitment to doing the right things.

The Relentless In-Season Program is designed to be the strategic training system that delivers the exact game plans you need to get your training dialled in and optimize your development and performance on the ice.


Feature item

72 Unique workouts

Stop repeating the same workout for 4 weeks. We've designed 72 unique workouts so that each week comes with variety & challenge.
Feature item

video demonstrations

With a video library of 450+ exercises, always know the perfect form with an exact demonstration of each exercise in one Youtube Playlist each workout.
  • Feature item

    Interactive PDFs

    No more boring PDFs. Each phase comes with a completely interactive & clickable PDFs to let you quickly access your demos and workouts.
  • Feature item

    printable tracking copies

    Want to get off your phone at the gym? Bring a printable copy of your workouts and track your progress with each workout.

plus free bonus resources

Becoming an elite hockey player goes beyond just workouts, it's becoming relentless with getting better. That's why we've created all the resources you need to truly take your training, lifestyle, and performance to the next level.

hockey speed training program

Bonus #1
elite speed guide for hockey players

$67.99 Value
  • Feature item
    Over 20 hockey-specific speed workouts that are specifically designed to develop elite athleticism and enhance the speed that translates on the ice.
  • Feature item
    Attack your specific speed needs with workouts focused on quick feet, first steps acceleration, top-end speed and power, change of direction, and multi-directional speed.
  • Feature item
    Complete workouts you can do anywhere, anytime. It doesn't have to be fancy to be effective. We have workouts do with ladders, hurdles, cones, and even just an empty field.

Bonus #2
mobility, maintenance & recovery guide for hockey players

$67.99 Value
  • Feature item
    The complete guide to building a limitless body that delivers the workouts you need to eliminate aches and pains, reclaim range of motion, and optimize your movements.
  • Feature item
    10+ mobility routines including active recovery workouts, functional mobility sessions, and passive stretch-based sequences – each specifically designed for hockey players.
  • Feature item
    Complete foam rolling protocols for hockey players to release common areas with tension and improve tissue quality.
hockey mobility workout training program
hockey conditioning workout program

Bonus #3
complete conditioning for hockey guide

$67.99 Value
  • Feature item
    Over 20 conditioning workouts specifically designed for hockey players to have more gas at the end of each shift. While others slow down, relentless players dominate.
  • Feature item
    Specifically designed for the energy system demands of hockey players with short-burst and high intensity work.
  • Feature item
    Choose your training method with workouts including: outdoor field workouts, bike workouts, treadmill workouts, and HIIT based bodyweight/complex-style workouts.

Bonus #4
relentless anywhere guide

$67.99 Value
  • Feature item
    21 Workouts you can do anywhere, anytime. A busy schedule might keep you from hitting the gym, but it should hold you back from getting in a high quality workout. Now you can stay on track with your workouts from home or on the road.
  • Feature item
    Minimalist workouts designed for maximal results. Fit into your busy schedule with short and intense workouts designed to challenge all strength, power, speed, and mobility of hockey players.
  • Feature item
    Choose your workout based on your equipment. Workouts designed with just bodyweight, just bands, or just dumbbells – the equipment doesn’t matter, the work does.
at home hockey workout program
hockey nutrition program

Bonus #5
peak performance nutrition for
hockey players

$99.99 Value
  • Feature item
    The most comprehensive nutrition guide for hockey players on the market with 55 pages taking a deep dive in everything from hydration, to macronutrients, to optimizing performance and recovery.
  • Feature item
    Maximize your performance on game day with specific nutrition and hydration day protocols and sample meal plans.
  • Feature item
    Learn how to supplement your nutrition for peak performance and recovery with a deep dive into the “must have” supplements for hockey players and the protocols for each one. Learn how to take your nutrition to the next level with supplements.

Bonus #6
relentless meal Plans & Recipe guide

$150 Value
  • Feature item
    Eliminate the guesswork from your nutrition. We'll show you exactly how many calories and grams of protein, fats, carbs you should have daily and give you a weekly meal plan depending on your needs.
  • Feature item
    25 weekly individualized recipes. Get recipes with calculated cals, carbs, fat, and protein and that have been tailored to your individual calorie needs (100 total recipes!)
  • Feature item
    Weekly meal plans. With 4 different calories guidelines, we've created the perfect meal plan to fuel your training, recovery, and performance - with delicious recipes for each meal that you can choose to hit your nutrition goals!
hockey player meal plan

everything you need to transform your game

​If you continue to do the same things you've always done, you'll continue to stay where you've always been.

The Relentless In-Season Program was designed to give you access to all of the resources you need to truly get dialled in with your training and optimize your body for peak performance on the ice.

Don't make this just another season. Make this the season you get relentless with your training & take your game to a whole new level.

what's included:

24 week (6 month) strength & conditioning program [$397]

Elite speed guide for Hockey Players [$67]

Relentless mobility & maintenance for Hockey players [$67]

Complete Conditioning for hockey players [$67]

Relentless anywhere workout guide [$67]

peak performance nutrition guide [$99]

Relentless Meal Plan & Recipe Guide [$99]

Member only videos & resources to maximize training

total value $873

Along with this, Coach Kyle and the Relentless team offers on-going support for players to make sure that you're maximizing your training and getting the most out of training relentless.

Commit to chasing the next level & start training relentless today!

It's time to start training relentless!
One time payment (USD) with instant & lifetime access!


Start training now

the process the pros trust.

trusted by over 150 pros & 2500 players world wide
see more player reviews

commit to developing maximum performance


​The Relentless In-Season Program is the unrivalled Strength & Conditioning program that delivers Hockey Players the exact workouts they need to take their game the next level.

If you know that you have the potential to take your game to a high level, they you owe it to yourself to go all-in on training this season to truly maximize your development and performance.

Make this the season you elevate your game. Make this the season you get relentless.

what's included today

[total value $546]

12 week Strength & Conditioning program [$197]

Elite speed guide for hockey players [$67]

complete conditioning for hockey [$59]

Relentless mobility & maintaince [$59]

Relentless anywhere [$67]

peak performance nutriton guide [$97]

Member only video & resources to maximize training


One time payment (USD) with lifetime access & updates!
sign up & start training


How long is the program? What if my off-season isn't that long?

The program is designed for up to 24+ weeks.

While each distinct phase is designed to be 4 weeks, players can custom the program to fit their season depending on when they start.

Inside of the player portal we have the In-Season Scheduling Guide that shows players how to make the most of the program depending on their in-season, as well as how to schedule their weeks around practice and games.

What exactly do I get with this program?

You’ll have instant access to: 
- Your 12 week program (60 workouts) with both a digital version and printable tracking version.
+ The Elite Speed for Hockey guide with 20+ speed workouts. 
+ The Relentless Anywhere guide with 20+ at home workouts. 
+ The Complete Conditioning for Hockey Players guide with 25+ conditioning workouts. 
+ The Relentless Mobility & Maintenance Manual with foam rolling, mobility, and active recovery protocols.
+ The Peak Performance Nutrition for Hockey guide with 50+ pages of nutritional guidelines including hydration, game day, body composition (losing/gaining weight), and supplements. 

You’ll also get access to the support of our team and Coach Kyle along with any new upgrades or additions to the programs. We’re constantly looking to create new resources to help our players thrive, and once you’re in the Relentless community we truly want to fuel your success. 

Seems expensive, what should I invest in this vs just doing my own workouts?

Many players can train on their own, but the truth is that random training creates random results. Success demands structure. 

Relentless Hockey was built to take the guesswork out of hockey player’s training and give them the exact structure that’s been refined by thousands of players to be proven to translate to the ice. 

Working with a Strength Coach that understands the specific needs of hockey players can cost upwards of $120 dollars per session or joining a 12 week group training program can easily cost over $3000.

With Relentless Hockey, you have access to the exact workouts that pros are paying thousands of dollars for.

What kind of exercises are included?

Admittedly, a lot of these exercises will be new for a lot of athletes.

This isn’t just a classic bodybuilding style workout where you’ll see 3 sets of squats and lunges. Relentless programs are loaded with integrative exercises that challenge you with unconventional movements. 

You’ll have a Youtube Playlist with demonstrations of each exercise in that days workout so that you’ll always know exactly what to do.

What kind of equipment do I need?

This program was designed to be performed with a super basic gym setup. We don't believe in big fancy gym setups or the latest equipment. This program includes: dumbbells, cables/bands, barbells, kettlebells, and mini-bands. For any exercise that may require a specialized piece of equipment (trapbar/landmine/etc.) we've included alternative exercises guide, but 95% of gyms will have exactly what you need.

How do I access my programs?

Immediately after purchase you’ll have access to our members-only platform that contains all of your training programs and bonus resources. You’ll have lifetime access to this platform and will be able to come back any time to download your programs or get updated versions/new resources.

What if I’m not happy with the program or results?

We stand by our programs 100%. That’s why we offer a 100% satisfaction guarantee. Having seen thousands of players train with Relentless, we know hockey players who truly invest in this program and their training get results. But if you start this program and it’s not for you, just contact our team within 30 days and we’ll send you a full refund. 


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